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Author: admin

Law-firm "Popko Brothers & Partners" > Articles posted by admin

Popko V.V. received the title of Doctor of Jur. Sciences and the degree of Professor.

This year, the partner of "Popko Brothers and Partners" received the title of Doctor of Jur. Sciences and the degree of Professor. Vadym Popko became a professor at the Department of Comparative and European Law of the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and received the title of Doctor of Jur. Sciences. The object of Mr Popko's research to obtain the title of Doctor of Jur. Sciences was transnational criminal law. Within the framework of this topic, under the authorship of Mr. Popko, articles were published detailing various aspects of transnational law and its nature, as...

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Friends, we are pleased to share with you the news of the expansion of the horizons for Popko & Partners JSC, namely reaching an agreement with our colleagues to open our office in Toronto, Canada! We will now be pleased to offer legal assistance in the Western Hemisphere, under the guidance of our partner in Toronto, Konstantin Mikhalchenko....

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